User Manual 1173.9411.02 ─ 43
3. On the remote channel performing the measurement, send the SCPI command
to abort the current measurement and reset the trigger system.
4. If the R&S
FSW still does not react to the remote commands, switch it off and back
Ignored commands
When a remote command attempts to define incompatible settings, the command is
ignored and the instrument status remains unchanged, i.e. other settings are not auto-
matically adapted. Therefore, control programs should always define an initial instru-
ment status (e.g. using the *RST command) and then implement the required settings.
Detecting false commands - log file
If a remote program does not provide the expected results and you are using a GPIB
connection, you can log the commands and any errors that may occur. To activate the
SCPI error log function, in the "N Remote" dialog box, in the "GPIB" tab, select
"I/O Logging".
All remote control commands received by the R&S
FSW are recorded in log files with
the following syntax:
C:\Program Files
where <xx> is a consecutive number, starting with 00;
A new file is created each time you stop and restart the logging function. The lowest
available number is used for the <xx> extension.
Logging the commands may be extremely useful for debug purposes, e.g. in order to
find misspelled keywords in control programs. However, remember to turn off the log-
ging function after debugging to avoid unnecessary access to the hard drive and use of
storage space.
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints
Power levels for low frequency signals not correct
................................................... 1393
................................................................................... 1394
Multiple user access to one instrument
Web browser access to instrument fails
Power levels for low frequency signals not correct
By default, the R&S
FSW uses AC coupling for RF input. For very low frequencies, the
input signal may be distorted with this setting. In this case, use DC coupling instead. To
change the setting, select "INPUT/OUPUT" > "Input Source Config > Radio Frequency
> Input Coupling > DC".
Miscellaneous Troubleshooting Hints