Measurements and Results
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files
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Selecting Storage Location - Drive/ Path/ Files
Select the storage location of the file on the instrument or an external drive.
The default storage location for the SEM settings files is:
C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\FSV3000\<version>\sem_std
Saving instrument settings in secure user mode.
In secure user mode, settings that are stored on the instrument are stored to volatile
memory, which is restricted to 256
MB. Thus, a "memory limit reached" error can occur
although the hard disk indicates that storage space is still available.
To store data permanently, select an external storage location such as a USB memory
For details, see
Chapter 5.1.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode"
Remote command:
File Name
Contains the name of the data file without the path or extension.
By default, the name of a user file consists of a base name followed by an underscore.
Multiple files with the same base name are extended by three numbers, e.g.
File names must be compatible with the Windows conventions for file names. In partic-
ular, they must not contain special characters such as ":", "*", "?".
For details on the filename and location, see
Chapter, "Storage Location and
Load Standard
Loads the selected measurement settings file.
Remote command:
Save Standard
Saves the current measurement settings for a specific standard as a file with the
defined name.
Remote command:
Delete Standard
Deletes the selected standard. Standards predefined by Rohde & Schwarz can also be
deleted. A confirmation query is displayed to avoid unintentional deletion of the stan-
Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM) Measurement