Analog Demodulation Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
Note that the input path defines the characteristics of the signal, which differ sig-
nificantly between the RF input and digital input.
Remote command:
Connected Device ← Signal Source
Displays the name of the device connected to the optional R&S Digital I/Q Interface
FSV-B17) to provide Digital IQ input. The device name cannot be changed here.
The device name is unknown.
Remote command:
Input Sample Rate ← Signal Source
Defines the sample rate of the digital I/Q signal source. This sample rate must corre-
spond with the sample rate provided by the connected device, e.g. a generator.
Remote command:
Full Scale Level ← Signal Source
The "Full Scale Level" defines the level that should correspond to an I/Q sample with
the magnitude "1".
The level can be defined either in dBm or Volt.
Remote command:
Level Unit ← Signal Source
Defines the unit used for the full scale level.
Remote command:
Adjust Reference Level to Full Scale Level ← Signal Source
If enabled, the reference level is adjusted to the full scale level automatically if any
change occurs.
Remote command:
Opens a configuration dialog box for an optionally connected R&S EX-IQ-BOX and a
submenu to access the main settings quickly.
The EX-IQ-Box functionality is not supported for R&S
FSV models
If the optional R&S DigIConf software is installed, the submenu consists only of one
key to access the software.
Note that R&S DigIConf requires a USB connection
(not LAN!) from the R&S
FSVA/FSV to the R&S EX-IQ-BOX in addition to the R&S
Digital I/Q Interface connection. R&S DigIConf version 2.10 or higher is required.
Softkeys of the Analog Demodulation option