FM Stereo Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
"Marker 1 / Marker 2 / Marker 3 / … Marker 16,/ Marker Norm/Delta"
Ref Fixed
Opens a submenu to set all values of a reference point. Instead of using the current
values of the reference marker (marker 1) as reference point for the delta markers,
level and frequency or time are set to fixed values and used as reference point.
Ref. Fixed On/Off ← Ref Fixed
Switches the relative measurement to a fixed reference value on or off. The level and
frequency or time values of marker 1 immediately become the reference point, but can
be altered using the corresponding softkeys (
Frequency (span > 0)/Ref Point Time (zero span)"
When set to ON, all delta markers which previously referenced marker 1 are automati-
cally set to reference the fixed marker.
The reference marker assignment can be changed using the "Marker Wizard" (see
Remote command:
Ref Point Level ← Ref Fixed
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a reference level value. All relative level values of the
delta markers refer to this reference level.
Remote command:
Ref Point Frequency (span > 0)/Ref Point Time (zero span) ← Ref Fixed
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a frequency reference or time value. All relative fre-
quency or time values of the delta markers refer to this frequency reference. For phase
noise measurement, input of reference time is not possible.
Remote command:
Peak Search ← Ref Fixed
Sets the maximum value of the selected trace as the reference point.
Remote command:
Opens a submenu to enable and configure difference frequency distortion measure-
ment. This function is only available for AF spectrum measurements.
Definition of the difference frequency distortion:
f1 and f2 represent the frequencies of two sine-wave signals with the same level. Their
frequencies should preferably differ by 80 Hz. The difference frequency distortion fac-
tors of 2nd and 3rd order (dd2, dd3) are defined as follows:
Instrument Functions FM Stereo (R&S