General Instrument Setup
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
Service Function
Selects the service function by its numeric code or textual name.
The selection list includes all functions previously selected (since the last "Clear His-
tory" action).
Remote command:
Starts the selected service function.
Remote command:
Numeric Mode
If activated, the service function is selected by its numeric code. Otherwise, the func-
tion is selected by its textual name.
Clear History
Deletes the list of previously selected service functions.
Most service functions require a special password as they may disrupt normal opera-
tion of the R&S
FSMR3. There are different levels of service functions, depending on
how restrictive their use is handled. Each service level has a different password.
"Reset Password" clears any previously entered password and returns to the most
restrictive service level.
Remote command:
Clear Results
Clears the result display for all previously performed service functions.
Remote command:
Save Results
Opens a file selection dialog box to save the results of all previously performed service
functions to a file.
Remote command:
Result List
The Results List indicates the status and results of the executed service functions.
Service Functions