Common Measurement Settings
User Manual 1179.0116.02 ─ 02
IF Out Frequency
Defines or indicates the frequency at which the IF signal level is provided at the IF/
VIDEO/DEMOD connector if "IF/Video Output" is set to "IF".
Noise Source Control
The R&S
FSMR3 provides a connector ("NOISE SOURCE CONTROL") with a 28
voltage supply for an external noise source. By switching the supply voltage for an
external noise source on or off in the firmware, you can enable or disable the device as
External noise sources are useful when you are measuring power levels that fall below
the noise floor of the R&S
FSMR3000 itself, for example when measuring the noise
level of an amplifier.
In this case, you can first connect an external noise source (whose noise power level is
known in advance) to the R&S
FSMR3000 and measure the total noise power. From
this value you can determine the noise power of the R&S
FSMR3000. Then when you
measure the power level of the actual DUT, you can deduct the known noise level from
the total power to obtain the power level of the DUT.
Remote command:
Trigger 1/2
The trigger input and output functionality depends on how the variable "Trigger Input/
Output" connectors are used.
"Trigger 1"
"Trigger 1": "Trigger Input/Output" connector on the front panel
"Trigger 2"
Defines the usage of the variable "Trigger Input/Output" connector on
the rear panel.
The signal at the connector is used as an external trigger source by
the R&S
FSMR3000. Trigger input parameters are available in the
"Trigger" dialog box.