Tracking Generator
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Remote command:
Source Power
The output power of the external tracking generator. The default output power is -20
dBm. The range is specified in the data sheet.
Remote command:
Power Offset
Constant level offset for the tracking generator. Values from -200 dB to +200 dB in 1
dB steps are allowed. The default setting is 0 dB. Offsets are indicated by the
enhancement label "LVL" in the diagram header (see also
With this offset, attenuators or amplifiers at the output connector of the tracking gener-
ator can be taken into account for the displayed output power values on screen or dur-
ing data entry, for example. Positive offsets apply to an amplifier and negative offsets
to an attenuator subsequent to the tracking generator.
Remote command:
Generator Frequency (Numerator/Denominator/Offset)
The frequency used by the generator may differ from the input from the analyzer. The
RF frequency may be multiplied by a specified factor, or a frequency offset can be
added, or both.
The input for the generator frequency is not validated, i.e. you can enter any val-
ues. However, if the allowed frequency ranges of the generator are exceeded, an error
message is displayed on the analyzer screen and the values for
corrected to comply with the range limits.
The value range for the offset depends on the selected generator. The default setting is
0 Hz. Offsets <> 0 Hz are marked with the enhancement label "FRQ" in the diagram
header (see also
Chapter 8.5, "Displayed Information and Errors"
If a positive frequency offset is entered, the tracking generator generates an output sig-
nal above the receive frequency of the analyzer. For a negative frequency offset it gen-
erates a signal below the receive frequency of the analyzer.
The output frequency of the generator is calculated as follows:
Figure 8-2: Output frequency of the generator
Make sure that the frequencies resulting from the start and stop frequency of the
ESR do not exceed the allowed generator range:
If the start frequency lies below F MIN, the generator is only switched on when F
MIN is reached.
Configuring Tracking Generators