I/Q Analyzer
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Level ← I/Q Analyzer
Opens a dialog box to define the level settings.
Reference Level ← Level ← I/Q Analyzer
Specifies the reference level for the I/Q measurement.
Remote command:
Preamp On/Off ← Level ← I/Q Analyzer
Switches the preamplifier on and off.
Remote command:
Data Acquisition ← I/Q Analyzer
Opens a dialog box to configure data acquisition in I/Q Analyzer mode.
Sample Rate ← Data Acquisition ← I/Q Analyzer
Defines the I/Q data sample rate of the R&S
Remote command:
Filter BW ← Data Acquisition ← I/Q Analyzer
Displays the flat, usable bandwidth of the final I/Q data.
Remote command:
Meas Time ← Data Acquisition ← I/Q Analyzer
Defines the I/Q acquisition time. By default, the measurement time is calculated as the
number of I/Q samples ("Record Length") divided by the sample rate. If you change the
measurement time, the
is automatically changed, as well.
For details on the maximum number of samples see also
Remote command:
Record Length ← Data Acquisition ← I/Q Analyzer
Defines the number of I/Q samples to record. By default, the number of sweep points is
used. The record length is calculated as the measurement time multiplied by the sam-
ple rate. If you change the record length, the
is automatically changed, as
Remote command:
Display Config ← I/Q Analyzer
Opens a selection list to specify the result display configuration. The following displays
are available:
Softkeys and Parameters of the I/Q Analyzer Menu