Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Decim Sep ← Marker Peak List
Selects the decimal separator with floating-point numerals for the ASCII Trace export
to support evaluation programs (e.g. MS-Excel) in different languages. The values '.'
(decimal point) and ',' (comma) can be set.
Remote command:
Marker Number ← Marker Peak List
If enabled, the determined peaks are indicated by their corresponding marker number
in the trace display.
Remote command:
Band Power
Opens a submenu to activate and configure a band power marker. Band power mark-
ers allow you to measure the integrated power for a defined span (band) around a
marker. The result can be displayed either as a power (dBm) or density (dBm/Hz). The
span is indicated by lines in the diagram.
Band power markers are only available for standard frequency measurements in Spec-
trum mode.
Band Power markers are also available in the I/Q Analyzer, but only for
For more information see
"Performing Band Power Measurements"
Select Marker (No) ← Band Power
Opens a submenu to select one of 16 markers and define whether the marker is a nor-
mal or a delta marker (see
"Marker 1 / Marker 2 / Marker 3 / … Marker 16,/ Marker
on page 201). "(No)" indicates the number of the currently active marker.
"Marker 1 / Marker 2 / Marker 3 / … Marker 16,/ Marker Norm/Delta"
Band Power On/Off ← Band Power
Activates or deactivates the band power marker. When switched to on, if no marker is
active yet, marker 1 is activated. Otherwise, the currently active marker is used as a
band power marker (all other marker functions for this marker are deactivated). All
markers can be defined as band power markers, each with a different span.
Remote command:
Span ← Band Power
Defines the span (band) around the marker for which the power is measured. The span
is indicated by lines in the diagram.
Remote command:
Power ← Band Power
Selects the power mode for the band power marker, i.e. the result is displayed in dBm.