Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7068.02 ─ 12
Remote command:
Sweep List ← Edit Power Classes ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Add/Remove ← Edit Power Classes ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Activates or deactivates power classes to be defined. Up to four power classes can be
defined. The number of active power classes affects the availability of the items of the
Used Power Classes dropdown menu.
Remote command:
Load Standard ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Opens a dialog box to select an XML file which includes the desired standard specifi-
cation. For details on the provided XML files refer to
"Provided XML Files for the Spec-
trum Emission Mask Measurement"
Remote command:
Save As Standard ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Opens the "Save As Standard" dialog box, in which the currently used SEM settings
and parameters can be saved and exported into an *.xml file. Enter the name of the file
in the "File name" field. For details on the structure and contents of the XML file refer to
"Format Description of Spectrum Emission Mask XML Files"
Remote command:
Meas Start/Stop ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Aborts/restarts the current measurement and displays the status:
The measurement is currently running.
The measurement has been stopped, or, in single sweep mode, the
end of the sweep has been reached.
Remote command:
Restore Standard Files ← Spectrum Emission Mask
Copies the XML files from the
folder to the
folder. Files of the same name are overwritten.
Remote command: