Command reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The analyzer provides numeric suffixes for channels, traces, ports, markers etc. If
unspecified, a numeric suffix is replaced by 1.
The number of ports depends on the analyzer model. No restrictions apply to number
of markers, channel, trace, and diagram suffixes.
In remote control, one active trace can be selected for each channel; see
ter 6.3.2, "Active traces in remote control"
on page 859. This concept simplifies the
remote control command syntax, because it allows the active trace in a particular chan-
nel to be referenced by means of the channel suffix.
To keep the syntax transparent,
<Ch> is used for channel settings (<Ch> refers to the configured channel)
<Chn> is used for trace settings (<Chn> refers to the channel whose active trace is
Common commands
Common commands are described in the IEEE 488.2 (IEC 625-2) standard. These
commands have the same effect and are employed in the same way on different devi-
ces. The headers of these commands consist of "*" followed by three letters. Many
common commands are related to the status reporting system; see
Table 7-1: List of common commands
Parameters / Remarks
Short Description
Clear Status
– / no query
Sets the status byte (STB), the standard event register (ESR) and the EVENt
part of the QUEStionable and the OPERation register to zero. The command
does not alter the mask and transition parts of the registers. It clears the output
buffer and the tooltip error messages for remote control.
Event Status Enable
Sets the event status enable register to the value indicated. The query *ESE?
returns the contents of the event status enable register in decimal form.
Event Status Read
– / query only
Returns the contents of the event status register in decimal form (0 to 255) and
sets the register to zero.
Identification Query
– / query only
Queries the instrument identification string of the R&S
ZNA, including the man-
ufacturer, the instrument type, its serial number, and the software revision. The
response is of the form
Freq>-<Ports>Port,<Order and Serial No.>,<FW_Version>
, e.g.
The IDN information is editable; see
Individual Status
– / query only
Returns the contents of the IST flag in decimal form (0 | 1). The IST-flag is the
status bit which is sent during a parallel poll.
Operation Complete
Sets bit 0 in the event status register when all preceding commands have been
executed. This bit can be used to initiate a service request. The query form
writes a "1" to the output buffer when all preceding commands have been exe-
cuted. This logic is used for command synchronization.
Common commands