Remote control
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Action after the hardware has settled
Programming the controller
Stops further command processing until all commands
sent before
have been executed
Note: The GPIB bus handshake is not stopped
directly after the command which
should be terminated before the next command is
Stops command processing until 1 is returned, i.e. until
the "Operation Complete" bit has been set in the ESR.
This bit indicates that the previous commands have
been completed.
directly after the command which
should be terminated before the next command is
Sets the operation complete bit in the ESR after all pre-
vious commands have been executed.
– Set bit 0 in the ESE
– Set bit 5 in the SRE
– Wait for service request (SRQ)
Status reporting system
The status reporting system stores all information on the present operating state of the
instrument, and on errors which have occurred. This information is stored in the status
registers and in the error queue. Both can be queried using the
Hierarchy of status registers
As shown in section
, the status information is of hierarchi-
cal structure.
The STatus Byte (STB) register and its associated mask register Service Request
Enable (SRE) make up the highest level of the status reporting system. The STB
provides a rough overview of the instrument status, collecting the information of the
lower-level registers.
The STB receives its information from:
The Event Status Register (ESR) with the associated mask register standard Event
Status Enable (ESE).
The STATus:OPERation and STATus:QUEStionable registers which are defined by
SCPI and contain detailed information on the instrument.
The Individual STatus (IST) flag, like the SRQ, combines the entire instrument sta-
tus in a single bit. The PPE is associated to the IST flag. It fulfills an analogous
function for the IST flag as the SRE does for the service request.
Output buffer:
contains the messages the instrument returns to the controller. It is not part of the
status reporting system but determines the value of the MAV bit in the STB.
All status registers have the same internal structure, see
For more information on the individual status registers, see
Status reporting system