Remote control
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The Negative TRansition part also acts as a transition filter. When a bit of the CONDi-
tion part is changed from 1 to 0, the associated NTR bit decides whether the EVENt bit
is set to 1.
NTR bit = 1: the EVENt bit is set.
NTR bit = 0: the EVENt bit is not set.
This part can be overwritten and read at will. Reading the PTRansition register is non-
The EVENt part indicates whether an event has occurred since the last reading, it is
the "memory" of the condition part. It only indicates events passed on by the transition
filters. It is permanently updated by the instrument. This part can only be read by the
user. Reading the register clears it. This part is often equated with the entire register.
The ENABle part determines whether the associated EVENt bit contributes to the sum
bit (cf. below). Each bit of the EVENt part is ANDed with the associated ENABle bit
(symbol '&'). The results of all logical operations of this part are passed on to the sum
bit via an OR function (symbol '+').
ENAB bit = 0: The associated EVENt bit does not contribute to the sum bit.
ENAB bit = 1: If the associated EVENT bit is "1", the sum bit is set to "1" as well.
This part can be overwritten and read by the user at will. Its contents are not affected
by reading.
sum bit
is obtained from the EVENt and ENABle part for each register. The result
is then entered into a bit of the CONDition part of the higher-order register. The instru-
ment automatically generates the sum bit for each register. Thus an event can lead to
a service request throughout all levels of the hierarchy.
Contents of the status registers
The individual status registers are used to report different classes of instrument states
or errors. The following status registers belong to the general model described in IEEE
The STatus Byte (STB) gives a rough overview of the instrument status.
The Individual STatus (IST) flag combines the entire status information into a single
bit that can be queried in a
The Event Status Register (ESR) indicates general instrument states.
The status registers below belong to the device-dependent SCPI register model:
register contains conditions which are part of the instru-
ment's normal operation.
register indicates whether the data currently being
acquired is of questionable quality.
Status reporting system