GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Sweep Time / Auto
Varies the measurement time for a sweep or delays the start of each sweep.
"Sweep Time" is the total measurement time for the sweep. The minimum possible
sweep time is equal to the estimated value in "Auto" mode. Setting a larger sweep
time is equivalent to defining a
before each partial measurement.
"Auto" minimizes the sweep time. The
is set to 0 s. "Sweep Time" indi-
cates the estimated sweep time, depending on the current measurement settings.
The "Sweep Time" and "Meas Delay" values are maintained until changed explicitly
if "Auto" is switched off.
If a time sweep is active, "Sweep Time" cannot be modified. The analyzer uses the
previously defined sweep time settings.
Remote command:
Meas Delay
Adds a delay time before the start of every partial measurement. See
"Partial measurements and driving mode"
"Meas Delay" is not available while a "Time" or "CW Mode" sweep is active.
As an alternative to increasing the delay (and thus the total sweep time), it is possible
to select "Alternated" driving mode; see
Remote command:
All Partial Meas'ments / First Partial Meas'ment
is set to a value > 0, this setting allows you to define how the measure-
ment delay is applied:
If "All Partial Meas'ments" is selected, the delay time is added before each partial
measurement. For a complete 2 port S-parameter measurement, the delay must be
added twice per sweep point.
If "First Partial Meas'ment" is selected, the delay time is added once per sweep
point only, irrespective of the measured quantities and the number of partial mea-
surements. The sweep time increases by the measurement delay times the num-
ber of sweep points.
A delay time before the start of each partial measurement increases the accuracy,
in particular for measurements on DUTs with long settling times (e.g. quartz oscillators,
SAW filters). Select "First Partial Meas'ment" if the DUT does not require an additional
settling time due to the interchange of source and receive ports.
Remote command:
Sweep Time Mode
This control is only available if option R&S
ZNA-K28 is installed. It is only enabled if
is active.
Sweep Softtool