Notice that the 11MHz band is available in BOTH the B-C and A-C jumper
settings for L1. The higher frequency bands are intended primarily for
daytime broadcasting. Reception quality is very dependent upon atmospheric
propagation conditions.
Even though there is quite a sport and science to digging up exotic
broadcasts from hundreds of countries in any of the above bands,
newcomers will find more immediate satisfaction from setting up L1 for the 9
MHz (31 Meter) band, and L2 for 5.9 to 6.2 MHz. With this arrangement,
you'll easily find the "major" international broadcasts anytime you want to
listen. Especially strong signals include these, among others:
BBCLondon: an intelligent perspective on world affairs
RadioCanada International: editorial quality similar to the BBC
Radio Moscow: powerful signals, increasingly honest and open
Voice of America: VOA broadcasts are "aimed" outside the USA, but if
you're in the "path" you'll hear it loud and clear!
U.S. Armed Forces Radio-TV "Feed" Service: Master programming
source for the U.S. military radio - hear CBS-NBC-ABC-Mutual news on
all the same "channel", plus many other features and spots which give a
feel for how it's going with those in uniform.
You'll easily tune broadcasts from many other countries as well. As you
become more and more familiar with the world of shortwave broadcasting,
you'll be making your own choices on how best to set up the convenient
options possible with your SC1.
An easy way to adjust the SC1 is to use another shortwave radio to listen for
the SC1's strong oscillator signal. For eample, if you set L1 so that you hear
the signal at 9.0 MHz on another receiver, your SC1 is set to receive 9.5
MHz at 500 KHz, 9.6 at 600, 9.7 at 700, and so forth.
With S2 in the pushed-in position, the SC1 is designed so that L2 can be
easily replaced by a crystal. Install a crystal of your choice in the 3 to 10 MHz
range. An extra hole is drilled near the L2 mounting holes to make crystal
insertion easy. Consult the schematic diagram. Replace C10 with a jumper
wire. The received frequency will be the crystal frequency plus or minus the
AM radio dial frequency.