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New redesigNed Body mouNts At the c-piLLArs ANd
the froNt-eNd moduLe Are Now 11 perceNt LArger,
improviNg the dAmpeNiNg of LAterAL shAke. the
upshot: more pAsseNger compArtmeNt comfort.
the structurAL reAr Bumper is rAted for cLAss iii
towiNg, eAsiLy hANdLiNg trAiLers up to 5,000 LB
(wheN properLy equipped). AN eveN tougher
trAiLer tow soLutioN rAmps up cApABiLity — with
the AvAiLABLe cLAss iv hitch receiver thAt BoLts
directLy to the frAme.
four New AdditioNAL crossmemBers
sigNificANtLy improve ride quALity ANd
hANdLiNg, whiLe heLpiNg to reduce
Noise, viBrAtioN, ANd hArshNess (Nvh).
this Low-torsioN frAme feAtures fuLLy
Boxed side rAiLs, heLpiNg mAiNtAiN the rAm
1500 reputAtioN for miNimAL Nvh.
the froNt Body structure is coNstructed of
hydroformed tuBuLAr high-streNgth steeL,
providiNg AN uLtrA-stiff yet Light compoNeNt.
reduced weight for the 2013 rAm 1500 frAme
heLps coNtriBute to improved fueL efficieNcy.
key foBs Are Now more versAtiLe thAN ever.
fuNctioNs rANge from keyLess (BLAdeLess)
coNfigurAtioNs to mAjor coNtroLs, iNcLudiNg remote
stArt, ALL-secure
LockiNg system, pANic ButtoN,
ANd eveN the eNtry/exit mode of the New AvAiLABLe
Active-LeveL four-corNer Air suspeNsioN system.
With this new Integrated Switch Bank, operating the available
new Active-Level
Four-Corner Air Suspension System is a snap: go from any mode to another with a
push of a button for ideal ride height for the terrain and conditions. The Switch Bank controls a
raft of features, including the available Stop/Start system (not shown in image), Electronic Stability
Control (ESC),
Tow/Haul mode, and available features like heat and ventilation for seats, heated
steering wheel — and more.
premium keyLess
eNter ’N go
to further reduce weight, New rAm 1500
empLoys dowN-gAuged steeL iN Numerous
pLAces where heAvy steeL isN’t Needed —
AgAiN, to heLp improve fueL efficieNcy.
Summary of Contents for 2013 1500 Tradesman REG
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Page 10: ...Page 10 the only truck transmission of its kind 1...
Page 11: ...Page 11 Properly secure all cargo...
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Page 18: ...Page 18 Properly secure all cargo Accommodates 4 foot wide building materials...
Page 21: ...Page 21 Properly secure all cargo...
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Page 25: ...Page 25 Ram 1500 Laramie Longhorn interior shown in Cattle Tan Black...
Page 26: ...Page 26 Ram 1500 Crew Cab Laramie Longhorn interior shown in Cattle Tan Black...
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Page 38: ...Page 38 Specifications...