Amplifier Setup
Installation and
1-G32dB-Dual-UnLink M
0dB 0dB -3dB -6dB
Operating Time
45h 34min
Firmware Version
Amp Control v1.2b
Channel Temperature
60% 50% 60% 70%
Display Mode
VU meter
Main Screen:
shows the current preset name (“G32dB-
Dual-UnLink” as default), and the channel attenuation. As
an option you can show the output VUmeter. The “M”
appears at the top right corner if the preset has been
changed from the last load. You can change each channel
amplifier level turning the encoder knob for each channel.
Amplifier Setup:
You access to the Setup Menu, where
you can change parameters as Inputs Link, Gain, Bridge
Mode... Also you can change the preset and limit the
access using a Password. See Amplifier Setup section on
next page for more details.
Channel Temperature:
Show the percent of maximum
temperature for each channel. When you are near the
100% the PMS system limits the power output to avoid
reach the overheating protection.
Display Mode:
Change between
Channel Attenuation
Vu meter
mode in the Main Screen.
Operating Time:
shows the amplifier total time operation.
Firmware Version:
shows the Amp Control firmware ver-
sion. You can upgrade it using the USB port.
Menu navigation:
to access to the Menu screen you have to press the CH-A encoder knob from the Main Screen. Turning the
CH-A encoder knob you access to the different options. When you press the CH-A encoder knob you start the Edit mode (only
for some options), and a “E” blinking letter appears at the top right corner. Using the four encoder knobs you can change the
different options. Pressing another time the CH-A encoder knob you finish the Edit mode, and return to the Menu screen. The
last menu option is
to return to the main screen or
Exit + Dial Lock
to protect the encoder knob from any unwanted action.
If you use this option you can unlock the system pressing the CH-A knob for 5 seconds. If you need to limit the access to the
configuration you can define a password from the
Password Manager
in the
Amplifier Setup
section. The Menu development
are the next:
3.2 Configuration