Initial Checks
When power is initially connected to the module, the load should power up to full
The button on the top right of the unit can be used to put the device into set up mode as
well as toggle the load on and off for testing purposes.
The LED on the circuit board flashes four times when the module receives any Rako wireless
message and is a useful diagnostic indicator. This function becomes inactive after 20
minutes to avoid a nuisance light spill but can be re-activated by pressing the setup button.
Programming the RMT1200
Once the RMT1200 has powered up and been tested with the setup button located at the
top right of the board, the device is ready to be programmed. For instructions on how to
program the RMT1200, see the
Appendix 1: LED Diagnostics
Wireless Range
LED Pulses
Good wireless reception
When the unit is receiving
successfully, there will be
four rapid pulses on the LED
when any wireless message
is sent.
Bad wireless reception
When the unit is out of
range, there will be
intermittent pulses on the
LED when any wireless
message is sent.
It is recommended to install
a wireless repeater
(WRB-100) if you are
experiencing intermittent
wireless range.
Should the module not respond to any of the above, further investigation must be made
before proceeding any further.
RMT1200 Manual Version 2.0.0