RAK425 User Guide
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STEP1: Check before Power Up
Evaluation Kit contains a serial adapter cable, a USB cable, a module with
external antenna, also provides antenna with IPEX connector interface. If the module
is with external antenna, plug in with the external antenna. Connect the module serial
port with PC serial port (PC COM port or USB to serial port).
STEP2: State after Power Up
Normal phenomenon
When module is plug with power supply, module LED (Power LED) lights up,
followed by Status lights (Status pin output low), which means that the module start
If the power-Status light is not on, try pressing the Reset button, if the light still
remains off, please contact Sales.
In the module factory mode,after power up, it creates an open AP network named
RAK_AP_XXXXXX, XX is the last 6 digits of module MAC address, IP address is, by default DHCPServer is on. (Factory parameters can be modified)
When the Status light turns on, computer's wireless network list will find
RAK_AP_XXXXXX, as shown in Figure 1-3:
2. Press and hold shorter than 3 sec,one-key configuration
to network (with phone)
Into ultra-low power mode button
Press and holdlonger than 5 sec and release,
into the
ultra-low power
Press, and then release to wake up module