ISCOM2600G-HI (A) Series Configuration Guide
12 System management
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
Checking results
Use the
show rmon alarms
command to check whether there is information about event
group events on the ISCOM2600G-HI series switch.
Raisecom#show rmon alarms
Alarm group information:
Alarm 10 is active, owned by system
Monitors every 20 seconds
Taking delta samples, last value was 0
Rising threshold is 15, assigned to event 1
Falling threshold is 0, assigned to event 0
On startup enable rising and falling alarm
Use the
show rmon event
s command to check whether there is information about alarm
group on the ISCOM2600G-HI series switch.
Raisecom#show rmon events
Event group information:
Event 1 is active, owned by system
Event description: high.
Event generated at 0:0:0
Register log information when event is fired.
When an alarm event is triggered, you can also check related information in the alarm
management part of the NView NNM system.
12.3 LLDP
12.3.1 Introduction
With the enlargement of network scale and increase of network devices, the network topology
becomes more and more complex and network management becomes more important. A lot of
network management software adopts auto-detection function to trace changes of network
topology, but most of the software can only analyze the Layer 3 network and cannot ensure
the interfaces to be connected to other devices.
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is based on IEEE 802.1ab standard. Network
management system can fast grip the Layer 2 network topology and changes.
LLDP organizes the local device information in different Type Length Value (TLV) and
encapsulates in Link Layer Discovery Protocol Data Unit (LLDPDU) to transmit to straight-
connected neighbour. It also saves the information from neighbour as standard Management
Information Base (MIB) for network management system querying and judging link