Programming: Edit Schedule
watch the video at raindrip.com/smart
Installation & Programming
• Zone watering schedules are reserved to avoid duplicate or
overlapping START TIMES and DURATIONS. During programming,
START TIMES may skip to the next available time slot.
• DURATION should be set before setting a START TIME.
• Watering schedule entries can be reviewed and corrected at any
time during programming by pressing the EDIT SCHEDULE button.
• START TIMES and DURATIONS are restricted so that watering
cannot cross midnight.
• The automatically adjusted minimum watering duration will be
one (1) minute. If the adjusted duration is less that 30 seconds,
the actual watering duration will be zero (0) minutes and no
watering will occur for that specific zone.
• To erase ALL watering schedule programs, press and hold EDIT
SCHEDULE for 5 seconds.
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