What Does Ozone Do?
Ozone destroys bacteria, viruses, mold and mildew.
Ozone eliminates spores, cysts, yeast, and fungus.
Ozone eliminates oils and other contaminants in water.
Ozone keeps water clean and sparkling clear.
Ozone keeps water fresh.
The spa pillows will provide years of comfort if treated with care. They have been
positioned above the water level to minimize the bleaching effects of chlorinated water and
other spa water chemicals. To extend their life, whenever the spa shell is being cleaned, the
spa pillows should be removed and cleaned separately . Body oils can be removed with a
mild soap and water solution. ALWAYS rinse pillows thoroughly to remove any soap
residue. If the spa is not going to be used for a long period of time ( during a vacation or if
the spa is winterized) , or if when water is being super-chlorinated,. The spa pillows should
be removed until the next use of the spa.
To remove and replace the spa pillows:
1. Carefully lift one end of the pillow away from the spa shell.
2. Continue lifting one end until all pillow retainers are released from the spa shell.
Just pulling the pillow straight up and out of the shell recesses will
eventually damage the pillow. This abuse is not covered under warranty.
3. To re-install the spa pillow, carefully bend the pillow slightly to allow one of the
pillow retainers to slip into recess in the back of the shell.
4. Keeping the pillow slightly bent, slide the other pillow retainer into the recess in the
back of the sheet.
5. After all the pillow retainers are in place, press the pillow down into the recess in the
spa shell.