Loudspeaker Connection: Stereo
Germanium Two
The loudspeaker systems are attached at the terminals (8), which are clearly marked by + L - and + R -. It is
imperative that protective sleeves be provided at cable ends. The use of cables with a minimum diameter of 4 mm
ensures the necessary low impedance with the smallest voltage drop and that a favorable amplifier damping factor
remains relatively constant over the entire frequency range.
During connection of the loudspeaker crossovers to the amplifier, it is imperative to pay close attention to like
polarity/phase balance. Switching the polarity/phase balance results in the stereo basis and bass rendition being lost
through phase cancellation (Fig. 6).
The loudspeaker connections must not come into contact with the autobody. The negative connections
on the left and right must not be connected with one another. Neglecting to follow these precautions
can lead to damage of the amplifier.
Connect left channel (+) of the loudspeaker/crossover with clamp +L (8).
Connect left channel (–) of the loudspeaker/crossover with clamp L – (8).
Connect right channel (+) of the loudspeaker/crossover with clamp +R (8).
Connect right channel (–) of the loudspeaker/crossover with clamp R– (8).
Figure 6: Loudspeaker Connection Stereo