Rain Bird Sales, Inc.
970 West Sierra Madre Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702
Phone: (626) 963-9311 Fax: (626) 812-3411
Rain Bird Sales, Inc.
6640 South Bonney Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85706
Phone: (520) 434-6200 Fax: (520) 434-6246
Rain Bird International, Inc.
145 North Grand Avenue, Glendora, CA 91741
Phone: (626) 963-9311 Fax: (626) 963-4287
Rain Bird Technical Service
(800) 247-3782 (U.S. only)
Rain Bird. Conserving More Than Water.
® Registered trademark of Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp.
© 2000 Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp. 8/00
P/N 635097
One, Two and Four Station
Control Module
Módulos de control TBOS de una,
dos y cuatro estaciones
TBOS is a trademark of Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp.