RailKing F-3 AA Set Operating Manual
volts or less and press and hold the whistle button for at least three seconds.
You will hear the bell turn on and, after three seconds, you should hear a
short horn blast or air release. Once the horn blast or air release is heard,
the whistle button can be released. The bell will continue to chime, so if
you want to turn off the bell ringing, simply press and release the whistle
button. Interrupt the transformer throttle to enter the next directional state
(either forward or reverse).
(Note: the PFA will only play in the first
Neutral after it is armed. You can not interrupt the power twice to enter
another direction and still have the PFA active.) You can now trigger the
sounds to begin playing when you next enter Neutral.
Triggering Passenger Station Announcements
Once the PFA feature has been activated, it will be played the next time the
engine enters neutral. At this point, Proto-Sound® will take over control of
your engine, disabling the bell and whistle button. In addition,
Proto-Sound® reconfigures the way the reverse unit functions during the
operation of the PFA feature. This forces the engine to leave your
Passenger Station in the same direction as it arrived. The following
operator controlled “Events” control the PFA’s actions and sounds.
The direction states shown assume the PFA is entered from forward. If
entering the Passenger Station in reverse, the direction states shown will
be reversed.)
Event 1:
Interrupt the transformer throttle to cycle the
engine from forward into neutral. If
the throttle was at 14 volts or higher,
the squeaking brakes sound will play.
Once the engine is stopped, the throttle
must be turned on to keep it in the
neutral state.
Note: Failure to turn the
throttle back on within 3 seconds of
leaving forward will disable PFA and shutdown Proto-Sound®. The next
time power is turned on, the engine will be in the RESET position. See
page 17 for additional information on RESET.
If the bell was not turned
off after arming PFA, it is now turned off automatically. After entering
neutral, Proto-Sound® will immediately play a horn blast or an air release
sound, followed approximately 2 seconds later by an Arrival
Announcement. Following this arrival announcement, the sounds of doors
opening and the conductor saying “Watch your step” is heard. At this point,
various Passenger Station sounds can be heard, including passenger
footsteps, muffled voices, baggage being moved about and whistling for a
Listen For the
Conductor to Say...
Put Engine In Neutral
At Low Power