Q: My hard drive is obviously operating properly but why is it shown as failed in the
iR2620 / SR2611 display?
A: iR2620 / SR2611 uses more strict requirements and standards to examine the bad
sectors in the hard drive. The user can first overwrite the bad sector on a PC before
placing the hard drive into iR2620 / SR2611.
About Auto Rebuilding Function
Q: What will happen if we turn off the computer’s power while iR2620 / SR2611 is still
executing data auto rebuilding?
A: Under the mirror mode (RAID 1), if the power is out of the auto rebuilding process, the
controller will remember when completion percentage of the auto rebuilding process and
resume the rebuilding process when the power is back on.
Q: Is it possible to lose any part of the data during the data auto rebuilding?
A: The data auto rebuilding function will copy data from one sector to another sector.
Technically speaking, the data will not be lost during the auto rebuilding process.
However, if the original hard drive is detected with bad sectors during the rebuilding
process, iR2620 / SR2611 will make hypothetical duplication instead of treat the bad
sectors as hard drive failure. Therefore, the data stored in the bad sectors could
potentially be lost during rebuilding.
Q: Under the mirror mode (RAID 1), why does the computer slows down during the data
rebuilding process? Or why does the data rebuilding process slows down when the data
is being processed?
A: If the iR2620 / SR2611 system is executing data rebuilding simultaneously while the
computer system is saving the data, the auto rebuilding process and the saving process
will take longer than normal time. This is because the iR2620 / SR2611 must divide it’s
resource between the normal system operation and the data rebuilding process.
However, the priority for the iR2620 / SR2611 is to maintain the proper system
Therefore, the data rebuilding speed will be extremely slow until the system finished with
the data saving operations.
Other Possible Situations
Q: The Buzzer will not stop when the iR2620 / SR2611 is in operation.
A: Please check whether the readings on the LCD display are normal or if there is a hard
drive failure. Please also pay attention to any other symbols displayed in the LCD
For example, if the “F” symbol is displayed, this means that there is a cooling fan failure.
If the “T” symbol is displayed, this means that the system is overheated.
Appendix : Trouble Shooting / Q&A