Instruction for Pin Locking Mechanism 7150
Please also read the assembly instructions for this product
Instructions regarding Rahrbach Series 7150 bolt closure
The information concerning the above article contained on these pages and on other data
carriers is based exclusively on a test carried out with this product and article. The infor-
mation given in the catalogue and on the Internet only serves to describe the product and
should not be understood as indicating warranted or guaranteed characteristics in the
legal sense. Information regarding product lifetime as well as definition of technical data is
provided in accordance with tests carried out internally at Rahrbach following generally re-
cognised regulations and/or standards.
The knowledge and information gained from such tests are unique and can change within
the framework of every application. Therefore the information which is published should
only be understood as a general guide. Safety regulations with regard to the specific loca-
tion where the product is to be used must be investigated in advance by the customer in
order that he may check the suitability of the product for the particular application himself.
We also recommend testing the product under the actual conditions in which it is to be
used in order to determine suitability.
Improper use, storage, maintenance, repair and/or actions or circumstances which may in-
fluence the product, or unsuitable further processing or treatment can lead to faults and
damage when the product is in use. We draw you attention to the fact that Rahrbach
GmbH does not accept any liability, guarantee or responsibility if our products are
changed, unless the change has been expressly approved by us for the specific case. If
there should be any questions, problems or unusual product behaviour or features when
the product is in use in the field, the door manufacturer or Rahrbach should be contacted
Use in accordance with the regulations
The bolt closure serves to prevent unauthorised opening of the sliding door from outside.
The Rahrbach bolt closure is only used for industrial applications on hand-operated sliding
doors, e.g. sliding doors of different sizes used for refrigeration rooms.
Operating Conditions:
up to 50°C - down to -25°C without heating system acceptable*
> - 25 °C only with heating system
Furthermore,please note the described indices mentioned in our mounting instructions
under "warning"!
Improper use
It is not permitted or not appropriate to use the bolt closure on fire doors, escape doors
and hatches, marked escape routes, electrically-operated sliding doors (except for Rahr-
bach product series 7150 with Reed Switch) and in the area of vehicle container design
and construction.
* is currently in validation of RAHRBACH test standart without heating system
General Advice:
After installing the bolt closure always check correct function with 2 people (one person
must be inside and one must be inside the refrigeration room).
For safety reasons, the user must be instructed in the use of the closure and should con-
firm in writing that the instruction has been received. Particular attention should be drawn
to the fact that when the door is opened from the inside the sliding bolt is pushed through
to the outside up to the stop. If the bolt is only partially pushed to the outside, the inside
release button can strike the frame when the door is opened and be damaged.
The key must be removed after every closing operation.
The luminous labels (pictograms) explain the use of the bolt closure. If these labels are
damaged or removed, a person wishing to operate the closure in the dark may not know
what to do and be reduced to experimentation. The pictograms must be located near the
assembled bolt closure.
Please read the following sections.
Security Advice:
The use of the bolt closure is only permitted, when it is guaranteed, that the bolt is not
blocked by freezing or its way is limited in the normal way.
If it is not able to preclude the possibility of thawing and refreezing because of various
temperature conditions, it has to be prevented with a technical solution e.g. an according
heating system or in an acceptable way with greasing with silicone grease.
Cleaning / Maintenance
The bolt closure is not maintenance-free.
The sliding bolt is greased with silicon grease against freezing. This grease may not be re-
moved. Regrease if necessary.
The bolt closure and the labels should be regularly checked to make sure that they are in
good condition and must be replaced immediately in case of damage. Any defects or dis-
turbances to operation must be repaired immediately or the item must be sent to the ma-
nufacturer for repair.
The customer is not permitted to undertake repairs himself.
The function of the closure must be checked at regular intervals at a temperature of max.
minus degrees.
For cleaning of the bolt closure we recommend a mild cleaning agent, such as for exam-
ple soap and warm water. Other aggressive or abrasive cleaners must not be used.
Note: Clean the bolt at temperatures above freezing.
The cylinder may only be replaced by specialist or trained personnel.
Technical changes can lead to a change in liability risk.
Every manufacturer is therfore pleased to prove the suitability of this bolt closure on his
own. Distributor have to forward this instruction to the buyer. technical data sheet for locks
and closures.