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The Quick Reference Guide provide basic information for the Honeywell BW™ MicroClip X3 and  

Honeywell BW™ MicroClip XL.
For complete operating instructions, refer to the Honeywell BW™ MicroClip User Manual provided in 


. The Honeywell BW™ MicroClip (“the detector”) warns of hazardous gas at levels above 

user-defined alarm setpoints.  

The detector is a personal safety device. It is your responsibility to respond properly to the alarm.

What’s in the box

•  Detector
•  Calibration Cap
•  Battery Charging Adapter
•  QRG + Certificate

Safety Info - Read First 

Use the detector only as specified in this manual and the reference guide, otherwise the protection provided by 
the detector may be impaired.



This instrument contains a lithium polymer battery. 
Dispose of lithium cells immediately. Do not disassemble and do not dispose of in fire. Do not mix with the solid 

waste stream. Spent batteries should be disposed of by a qualified recycler or hazardous materials handler.



Cet appareil contient une batterie au lithium polymère.
Mettez immédiatement au rebut les piles au lithium usagées. Veillez à ne jamais les démonter ou les jeter au 


Ne les mélangez pas aux autres déchets solides. Les piles usagées doivent être éliminées par un centre de 

recyclage agréé ou par un centre de traitement de matières dangereuses.



•  Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
•  For safety reasons, this equipment must be operated and serviced by qualified personnel only.
•  Charge the detector before first time use. Honeywell recommends the detector be charged after every workday.
•  Before using the detector, refer to Sensor Poisons and Contaminants in the User Manual.
•  Calibrate the detector before first-time use and then on a regular schedule, depending on use and sensor exposure to poisons and contaminants. 

Honeywell recommends calibrating at least once every 180 days (6 months).

•  The combustible sensor is factory calibrated to 50% LEL methane. If monitoring a different combustible gas in the %LEL range, calibrate the 

sensor using the appropriate gas.

•  Only the combustible gas detection portion of this instrument has been assessed for performance by CSA International.
•  Calibrate only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas and in an atmosphere of 20.9% oxygen.
•  It is recommended that the combustible sensor be checked with a known concentration of calibration gas after any exposure to contaminants/

poisons such as, sulfur compounds, silicon vapors, halogenated compounds, etc.

•  Honeywell recommends to bump test the sensors before each day’s use to confirm their ability to respond to gas by exposing the detector to a 

gas concentration that exceeds the alarm setpoints. Manually verify that the audible and visual alarms are activated. Calibrate if the readings 

are not within the specified limits.

•  Caution: High off-scale readings may indicate an explosive concentration.
•  Any rapid up scaling reading followed by a declining or erratic reading may indicate a gas concentration beyond the upper scale limit, which 

can be hazardous.

•  Extended exposure of the Honeywell BW™ MicroClip to certain concentrations of combustible gases and air may stress a detector element that 

can seriously affect its performance. If an alarm occurs due to a high concentration of combustible gases, calibrate the detector. If necessary, 

replace the sensor.

•  Protect the combustible sensor from exposure to lead compounds, silicones, and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
•  Sensor exposure to certain organic vapors (such as leaded gasoline and halogenated hydrocarbons) may temporarily inhibit sensor performance.  

After exposure, a bump test or calibration is recommended.

•  For use only in potentially explosive atmospheres where oxygen concentrations do not exceed 20.9% (v/v).
•  Products may contain materials that are regulated for transportation under domestic and international dangerous goods regulations. Return 

product in compliance with appropriate dangerous goods regulations. Contact freight carrier for further instructions.



•  Avertissement : Le remplacement d’un composant de l’appareil peut compromettre la sécurité intrinsèque du détecteur. Mise en garde: Pour des 

raisons de sécurité, cet appareil doit être utilisé et entretenu par du personnel qualifié uniquement. Lisez attentivement le manuel avant d’utiliser 

l’appareil ou d’en assurer l’entretien et assurez-vous d’en avoir bien compris les instructions.

•  Chargez le détecteur avant sa première utilisation. Honeywell recommande de recharger le détecteur après chaque journée d’utilisation.
•  Avant toute utilisation du détecteur, reportez-vous à la section.
•  Étalonnez le détecteur avant sa première utilisation, puis de manière régulière, en fonction de l’utilisation et de l’exposition du capteur aux poisons 

et autres contaminants. Honeywell recommande d’effectuer un étalonnage au moins une fois tous les 180 jours (6 mois).

•  Le capteur de gaz combustibles est étalonné en usine au méthane, à une concentration de 50 % de la LIE. Si le contrôle porte sur un autre gaz 

combustible dans la plage de % LIE, étalonnez le capteur en utilisant le gaz approprié.

•  Sur cet appareil, seule la détection de gaz combustibles a fait l’objet d’une évaluation des performances par CSA International.
•  Veillez à effectuer l’étalonnage dans une zone sûre, exempte de gaz dangereux, et dans une atmosphère contenant 20,9 % d’oxygène.
•  Si le capteur de gaz combustibles a été exposé à des contaminants/poisons (composés de soufre, vapeurs de silicium, produits halogénés, etc.), 

il est conseillé de vérifier son bon fonctionnement en le mettant en présence d’une concentration connue d’un gaz.

•  Avant chaque utilisation quotidienne, Honeywell recommande d’effectuer un test fonctionnel des capteurs afin de vérifier qu’ils réagissent bien aux 

gaz présents, en exposant le détecteur à une concentration de gaz supérieure aux seuils d’alarme. Vérifiez manuellement que les alarmes sonore et 

visuelle sont activées. Étalonnez l’appareil si les relevés ne sont pas conformes aux limites spécifiées.

•  Mise en garde : Des relevés élevés hors échelle peuvent indiquer la présence d’une concentration explosive.
•  Toute mesure en rapide augmentation suivie d’une diminution ou d’une mesure fantaisiste peut indiquer une concentration de gaz au-delà de la limite 

d’échelle supérieure, risquant donc d’être dangereuse.

•  Une exposition prolongée du Honeywell BW™ MicroClip à certaines concentrations de gaz combustibles et dans certaines atmosphères peut nuire 

à l’élément de détection et altérer gravement ses performances. Étalonnez le détecteur après toute exposition à des concentrations élevées de gaz 

combustibles ayant déclenché son alarme. Si nécessaire, remplacez le capteur.

•  Protégez le capteur de gaz combustibles contre toute exposition aux composés de plomb, aux silicones et aux hydrocarbures chlorés.
•  L’exposition du capteur à certaines vapeurs organiques (comme l’essence au plomb ou les hydrocarbures halogénés) peut altérer temporairement son 

bon fonctionnement. Il est recommandé de procéder à un test fonctionnel ou à un étalonnage après toute exposition.

•  Cet appareil est destiné uniquement à une utilisation dans des atmosphères potentiellement explosives, dans lesquelles la concentration d’oxygène 

ne dépasse pas 20,9 % (v/v).

•  Les produits peuvent contenir des matériaux qui sont réglementés pour le transport en vertu des règlements nationaux et internationaux 

de marchandises dangereuses. Retourner le produit conformément à la réglementation sur les marchandises dangereuses appropriées.  

Contactez transporteur de fret pour plus d’instructions.

Parts of the Honeywell BW™ MicroClip






Visual alarm indicators (LEDs)


Alligator clip


Charging connector / IR interface




Carbon monoxide (CO) sensor


Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) sensor


Oxygen (O2) sensor


Combustible (LEL) sensor


Audible alarm


Liquid crystal display (LCD)

Display Elements




Alarm condition


Automatically span sensor 


Gas cylinder 


Gas identifier bars 


Battery life indicator


Stealth mode


Numeric value


Automatically zero sensor








Calibrate only in a safe area that 

is free of hazardous gas in an 

atmosphere of 20.9% oxygen.

1. Press and hold 


as the detector 

performs the 



Continue holding 

when the 

LCD briefly deactivates.

4. When 

 is displayed 


 flashes, connect the 

gas cylinder and apply gas at a 

flow rate of 250 to 500 ml/min. 

After a sufficient amount of gas 

has been detected (approximately 

30 seconds), the detector 


 is displayed, and 

 flashes while the 

detector completes the calibration.

2. The LCD then activates again and 

performs the 



Continue holding 

 until the 

countdown is complete to enter 


5. The LCD displays 


. Next, 

a screen displays showing the 

number of days remaining before 

calibration is due for each sensor. 

The LCD then displays the earliest 

calibration due date, as some 

sensors require more frequent 



flashes while the 

detector zeroes all of the sensors 

and calibrates the oxygen sensor. 

If a sensor fails to auto zero, 

it cannot be calibrated. When 

auto zero is complete, the LCD 






Only use the calibration cap during the calibration span process 

and for bump tests.
Wind currents may cause false readings and poor calibrations.
Do not calibrate the detector during or immediately after charging is 


Bump Test 

Use a premium-grade gas. Use gases approved by the National Institute  

of Standards and Technology.
Do not use a gas cylinder that is past its expiration date.


 To perform an automated bump test, refer to the  

IntelliDoX User Manual.

1. Connect the calibration hose to the 0.5 l/min regulator on the gas cylinder. 

For use with the IntelliDoX, use a demand flow regulator.


 Cylinders that are used with a demand flow regulator must meet the  

following maximum inlet pressure specifications:

•  Disposable cylinders 0-1000 psig/70 bar
•  Refillable cylinders 0-3000 psig/207 bar

2. Connect the calibration hose to the calibration cap.
3. Attach the calibration cap to the detector.
4. Apply gas. Verify the visual and audible alarms activate.
5. Close the regulator and remove the calibration cap from the detector.


The detector will temporarily remain in alarm until the gas clears from the sensors.

6. Disconnect the hose from the calibration cap and the regulator.


 Only use the calibration cap during calibration and bump test.












 mode is enabled, the audible and visual alarms are disabled. Only the vibrator alarm activates.





Low Alarm

•  Slow siren
•  Slow alternating flash

 and gas bar flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates

TWA Alarm

•  Slow siren
•  Slow alternating flash

 and gas bar flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates

High Alarm

•  Fast siren
•  Fast alternating flash

 and gas bar flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates

STEL Alarm

•  Fast siren
•  Fast alternating flash

 and gas bar flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates

Multi-Gas Alarm

•  Alternating low and high alarm 

siren and flash


 and gas bars flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates

Over Limit (OL) Alarm

•  Fast siren and alternating flash

 and gas bar flash

•  Vibrator alarm activates



Sensor Alarm

•  During startup Error 




•  During normal operation 




Confidence Beep and 


•  One beep and flash every second

Note: Confidence Beep and 

IntelliFlash automatically deactivate 

during low battery alarm, self-test 

fail, calibration fail, bump test fail, or 

an alarm event.

Low Battery Alarm

•  Sequence of 10 rapid sirens 

and alternating flashes with 7 

seconds of silence in between 

(continues for 15 minutes)





 displays, and the 

vibrator alarm activates

•  After 15 minutes of the Low 

Battery alarm, the Automatic 

Shutdown Alarm sequence 




  d i s p l a y s   b e f o r e 


Automatic Shutdown Alarm

•  Sequence of 10 rapid sirens and 

alternating flashes with 1 second 

of silence in between (sequence 

reactivates seven times)





and vibrator alarm activates



 displays before deactivating



Alarms can be set to latching or non-latching. To enable/disable 

latching, select/deselect 

Latching Alarms

 in software menu. Local 

regulations may require a latching alarm.

Low Alarm Acknowledge

 is enabled and a low alarm occurs, press 

 to disable the audible alarm. The visual and vibrator alarms remain 

activated. If the alarm escalates to a high, STEL, or TWA alarm, the audible 

alarm reactivates.

Charging the Rechargeable Battery 



Only the manufacturer can replace the rechargeable battery. 
Failure to adhere to this caution can lead to fire and/or explosion.
Charge only in a safe area that is free of hazardous gas and  

within temperatures of 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C).
The charging adapter is specific to your region.  

Use of the charging adapter outside your region will damage  

the charger and the detector.

Do not calibrate during or immediately after charging.
To charge:

1. Deactivate the detector. Insert the charging adapter plug into an AC outlet.
2. Connect the charging adapter to the detector IR interface.
3. Charge the battery.
4. Charge the battery after each workday
5. Normal charge: 5-6 Hours

First-time charge:

•  XL-X3: 5-6 hours

Normal charge:

•  XL-X3: 5-6 hours


•  XL: 2 years including sensors.
•  X3: 3 years including sensors.


Instrument dimensions


•  XL-X3: 11.25 x 6.00 x 3.22 cm (4.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 in.)


•  XL: 190 g (6.7 oz.)
•  X3: 179 g (6.3 oz.)

Operating temperature:

 -4°F to +122°F (-20°C to +50°C),

Storage temperature:

 -40°F to +122°F (-40°C to +50°C)

Operating humidity:

 0% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)

Alarm setpoints:

 May vary by region and are user defined. All setpoints automatically display during the startup 


Detection range:

•  H2S: 0 - 100 ppm (1 / 0.1 ppm increments)
•  CO: 0 - 500 ppm (1 ppm increments)
•  O2: 0 - 30.0% vol. (0.1% vol. increments)
•  Combustible (LEL): 0 - 100% (1% LEL increments) or 0 - 5.0% v/v methane

Indication Error:

 LEL: ± 5% FS; H2S: ± 5x10-6; CO: ± 10%; O2: ± 3% FS. 1ppm =1 μmol/mol

Sensor type:

 H2S, CO, O2: Single plug-in electrochemical cell Combustibles: Plug-in catalytic bead

O2 measuring principle: 

Capillary controlled concentration sensor or oxygen pump.

Alarm conditions:

 TWA alarm, STEL alarm, low alarm, high alarm, multi-gas alarm, over limit (OL) alarm, low 

battery alarm, confidence beep, automatic shutdown alarm.

Audible alarm:

 95 dB at 30 cm (1 ft.) (100 dB typical) variable pulsed beeper

Visual alarm:

 Red light-emitting diodes (LED)


Alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD)


 Activates for 5 seconds when the pushbutton is pressed and during an alarm condition unless stealth 

mode is enabled.


 Initiated during activation


Automatic zero and automatic span

Oxygen sensor:

 Automatic span on activation (enable/disable)

Typical Battery Life*: 

•  XL-X3: 18 hours. Recharges in less than 6 hours

*Approximately 20% capacity loss is normal with lithium polymer batteries after 750 charge cycles. Refer to the Operator’s Manual for additional 


Cold Weather Battery Life**:


•  XL-X3: 12 hours at -4°F / -20°C

**Battery is guaranteed to have 12 hour runtime during warranty period under normal operating temperature of -4°F / -20°C to 122°F/50°C.


Approved by CSA to both U.S. and Canadian Standards
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157 and C22.2 152
ANSI/UL - 913 and ANSI/ISA - 12.13.01 Part 1


Class I, Division 1, Group A, B, C, and D


CE 0539 II 1 G Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga

DEKRA 19ATEX0025 , EN IEC 60079-0:2018,
EN 60079-1:2014, EN 60079-11:2012


Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga IECEx CSA 05.0015

IEC 60079-0:2011, IEC 60079-1:2014,
IEC 60079-11:2011


Ex da ia IIC T4 Ga ANZEx 08.3057X


XXXXX Sira 21


RAE Systems Inc. (MicroClip XT/XL)

990 East Huiwang Road, Jiading
District, Shanghai, China 201815
Tel: = +86-21-69522616

BW Technologies by Honeywell (MicroClip XL/X3


4411 6th Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta,
Canada T2G 4E8

Ademco de Juarez (MicroClip XL/X3)

Ave. Val Del Cedro 1681,
Parque Industrial Intermex
Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua 32574, Mexico

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 

15 of the FCC Rules and ICES-003 Canadian EMI requirements. These limits are designed to provide reasonable 

protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can 

radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause 

harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in 

a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which 

can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference 

by one or more of the following measures:

•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Factory Calibration Certificate 

We are committed to providing quality product. This instrument has undergone rigorous testing throughout its 

manufacture. This is the final report by the people that take pride in the products they build.
This instrument has been factory inspected, tested, and calibrated in accordance with the conditions and 

requirements of our registered Quality System, Operating Standards, and Sales Agreements. 
All calibration gases are traceable to a known national standard.
Refer to your product user manual to determine the recommended calibration frequency.

Place Factory Calibration

Certification here







1, 2, 3, and 4 Gas Detector
