Alteon Application Switch Operating System Application Guide
Document ID: RDWR-ALOS-V2900_AG1302
cookie is only valid for the current browser session. Similar to a SSL session-based ID, the
temporary cookie expires when you shut down the browser. Based on RFC 2109, any cookie without
an expiration date is a temporary cookie.
Cookie Formats
A cookie can be defined in the HTTP header (the recommended method) or placed in the URL for
hashing. The cookie is defined as a "Name=Value" pair and can appear along with other parameters
and cookies. For example, the cookie "
" can be represented in one of the following
In the HTTP Header:
Cookie: SesssionID=1234
Cookie: name=john_smith
The second cookie represents an Active Server Page (ASP) session ID. The third cookie
represents an application-specific cookie that records the name of the client.
Within the URL
Cookie Properties
Cookies are configured by defining the following properties:
Cookie names of up to 20 bytes.
The offset of the cookie value within the cookie string.
For security, the real cookie value can be embedded somewhere within a longer string. The
offset directs Alteon to the starting point of the real cookie value within the longer cookie string.
Length of the cookie value. This defines the number of bytes to extract for the cookie value
within a longer cookie string.
Whether to find the cookie value in the HTTP header (the default) or the URL.
Cookie values of up to 64 bytes for hashing. Hashing on cookie values is used only with the
passive cookie mode (
), using a temporary cookie. Alteon
mathematically calculates the cookie value using a hash algorithm to determine which real
server should receive the request.
An asterisk (*) in cookie names for wildcards. For example:
Cookie name = ASPsession*
Client Browsers that Do Not Accept Cookies
Under normal conditions, most browsers are configured to accept cookies. However, if a client
browser is not configured to accept cookies, you must use
pbind clientip
(for client IP
persistence) as the load-balancing metric to maintain session persistence.
With cookie-based persistence enabled, session persistence for browsers that do not accept cookies
is based on the source IP address. However, individual client requests coming from a proxy firewall
appear to be coming from the same source IP address. Therefore, the requests are directed to a
single server, resulting in traffic being concentrated on a single real server instead of load-balanced
across the available real servers.