Accessible authorization levels:
None, Operator, Advanced Operator, Administrator.
Setting <None> allows free access to settings of date and time
(without the need of logging in).
19.3. Printouts
Default settings of the scale allows a logged on Administrator to edit
printout patterns. Software allows to change the access level to option
Enter parameter group <
Authorization> according to ch. 19
of this manual, choose <
Printouts>, and set appropreately.
Access levels to printouts that can be set:
None, Operator, Advances Operator, Administrator.
When you choose setting <None> printout patterns can be changed
even without logging on.
19.4. Databases
It is possible to set the access levels to the following databases:
Database of Products,
Database of Contractors,
Database of Packages,
Database of Warehouses,
Database of Labels.