Fig 50 Access to the memory of printouts
Printout destination
In accordance to
settings the printout can be sent to:
RS 232 port (immediate printout)
The balance memory (saving)
RS 232 port and the balance memory (immediate printout with
Printout number
This function selects number of non-standard printout which is
printed after pressing PRINT button. Users can choose:
Standard (result of weighing and declared changes in GLP
menu are printed – option YES)
Printout No 1
Printout No 2
Printout No 3
Printout No 4
Memory number
what type of printout is sent to the balance memory.
It is
possible to send non-standard printout from the texts to printer
(text 1 – text 80), and the standard printout to the
balance e.g..:
Date, time, weighing