IN115 RevA v1
3 Saber Way, Ward Hill, MA 01835 | radonaway.com
The HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers are intended for use by trained, certified/licensed, professional radon
mitigators. The purpose of these instructions is to provide additional guidance for the most effective use of
the HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers. These instructions should be considered supplemental to current industry
standards and federal, state, county and local building codes and regulations. In the event of a conflict, those
codes, practices and regulations take precedence over these instructions.
The HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers are designed to perform year-round in all but the harshest climates without
additional concern for temperature or weather. For installations in an area of severe cold weather, please contact
RadonAway for assistance. When not in operation, HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers should be stored in an area
where the temperature is always greater than 32°F or less than 100°F. The HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers are
thermally protected such that they will shut off when the internal temperature is above 185°F / 85°C. If the HS2750
or HS5500 Blower is idle in an area where the ambient temperature exceeds this shut off, it will not restart until the
internal temperature falls below 75°C.
The HS2750 or HS5500 Blower, when installed properly, operates with little or no noticeable noise to the building
occupants. Recommended system design and installation considerations to minimize noise: When installing the
HS2750 or HS5500 Blower above sleeping areas, select a location for mounting at the farthest possible distance.
Avoid mounting near doors, fold-down stairs or other uninsulated structures which may transmit sound. Ensure a
solid mounting for the HS2750 or HS5500 Blower to avoid structure-borne vibration or noise.
The velocity of the outgoing air must also be considered in the overall system design. With small diameter piping,
in some cases a “rushing” sound of the outlet air may be audible. In these instances, the use of a RadonAway
Exhaust Muffler (p/n 24002) is recommended.
Under no circumstances should water be allowed to be drawn into the inlet of the HS2750 and HS5500 Blowers
as this may result in damage to the unit. The HS2750 or HS5500 Blower should be mounted at least 5 feet above
the slab penetration to minimize the risk of filling the Blower with water in installations with occasional high water
In the event that a temporary high water table results in water at or above slab level, water will be drawn into the
riser pipes thus blocking air flow to the HS2750 or HS5500 Blower. The lack of cooling air will result in the Blower
cycling on and off as the internal temperature rises above the thermal cutoff and falls upon shutoff. Should this
condition arise, power down and disconnect the HS2750 or HS5500 Blower until the water recedes allowing for
return to normal operation; then reconnect and power on to turn the Blower back on.
WARNING!: Failure to provide adequate drainage for condensation can result in system failure and damage the HS Blower.
Condensation is formed in the piping of a mitigation system when the air in the piping is chilled below its
dew point. This can occur at points where the system piping goes through unheated space such as an attic,
garage or outside. The system design must provide a means for water to drain back to a slab hole to remove the
HS2750 and HS5500 Blower Installation
& Operating Instructions
High Suction Series
HS2750 p/n 28595
HS5500 p/n 28596