Users Manual
The following external modifications of the carburettor are allowed:
- you may make the modifications needed for fitting the throttle
linkage, but only under the circumstance that it has no effect on
the function of the carburettor
- you may change the gasoline inlet nipple
7. Restricted washer
In the Micro class there should be a restricted washer between the
carburettor and the manifold, one washer with 12 mm hole and a
distance washer 20 mm hole.
8. The carburettor manifold
This part must bear the spare part number 279 189 and may
under no circumstances be machined. Deburring is regarded as
9. The fan cover
The fan cover is standard for Raket 85. It must not be machined.
The circular air inlet opening must have a diameter of 80 mm
10. The ignition system
The ignition system is of a transistorized type, and is especially
developed for Raket 85. It must not be changed against any other
type or make of system. It is further forbidden to move the ignition
system from its original position.
The flywheel must be original Raket 85, but there may be several
different original types. See homologation sheet for more informa-
tion och local rules.
Apart from the fact that it is forbidden to machine the flywheel, it
is also very dangerous. If you machine the outer perimeter of the
flywheel, it might explode when you run the engine at high revs.
The key for the flywheel is “free”. You may machine it or even
remove it completely.
11. Air filter
Use CIK homologated inlet silencer.
12. Exhaust pipe with flexible hose
For the class 10-12 years of age, the Raket 85 engine must be
equipped with original exhaust muffler and spacer (part numbers
3140 and 3127).
For the class 12-15 years of age, the exhaust pipe is completely
“free”, including the diameter of the pipe. But the pipe must always