Endura KP915GV Guide
2005 RadiSys Technology (Ireland) Ltd.
The BIOS is based on
Phoenix Award BIOS.
Configuration of the board is achieved, in the majority of cases,
through BIOS settings. These can be viewed and modified using the BIOS set-up utility, which is provided to
perform system configuration changes and to display current settings and environment information. The
BIOS setup utility stores configuration settings in system non-volatile storage. Changes affected by BIOS
setup will not take effect until the system is rebooted.
Setup Utility
During the boot, pressing the 'DEL' key on the keyboard requests the BIOS Setup utility be launched once
the self-test is complete and before searching for a boot device. The Setup utility is provided to perform
system configuration changes and to display current settings and environment information. The Setup utility
stores configuration settings in system non-volatile storage. Changes affected by BIOS Setup will not take
effect until the system is rebooted. See the Product Manual for detailed information on settings and options.
Configuration Reset
Activating the Clear CMOS jumper produces a "reset system configuration" request and the BIOS loads the
default system configuration values during the next POST.
After power-up or reset, the BIOS perform a self-test (POST) that attempts to determine if further operation is
possible and that the detected configuration is expected. This process can complete normally or result in a
warning or an error. The boot process does not stop after a warning but displays a message on the primary
display device. If an error is detected, the boot process is halted. If possible, a message is displayed but
failures early on in the test can only be indicated by POST codes.
Once the initial part of the self-test process is completed, the display device is initialized and boot messages
can then be sent to the display. By default, the display is in Quietboot mode in which the customizable logo is
visible on screen. If the Quietboot mode is disabled (BIOS Setup) then sign-on and test progress messages
are visible. Pressing the 'TAB' key on the keyboard during a Quietboot switches the display to text mode -
providing the progress messages.
The BIOS will then search for boot devices in the order configured by the BIOS Setup and load an operating
system from the first boot device found. Control is then passed to the operating system and the motherboard
BIOS plays no further part in the boot except to provide run-time services.
POST Logo Change (OEM)
See the Product Manual for information needed to change the logo screen in the BIOS bin file.
CMOS Default Change
See the Product Manual for information needed to customize default CMOS (BIOS setup) settings.
Technical and Product Support
BIOS configuration, update, and set-up information, device drivers, tested memory and processor lists, and
other product and technical support documentation are available for download from the RadiSys Web site
Note: It is recommended that only the drivers supplied by RadiSys be used as those posted on the device
manufacturer’s Web sites may not function correctly.