Keypad Lights
The keypad uses lights to indicate various conditions, such as
whether your system is on or off, the status of protective points,
whether there is a system trouble, and whether there is an alarm.
Lights when the system is All or Part On.
Flashes during exit delay and when an alarm
No Delay Lights when the system is All or Part On
without entry or exit delay. Flashes during Step
Outside function.
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Point lights show the status of each point.
When a point light is on steadily, that point
has been turned on. When the point light is
winking, the point is faulted. When the point
light is flashing, an alarm is indicated.
Lights when the system is All On. When the
system is off, the All light comes on when all
points are ready to turn on (no doors or
windows are open). Winks when turning All On
with door or windows open.
Lights when the system is Part On. When the
system is off, lights when Part points are ready
to turn on. Flashes when changing passcodes.
Flashes when an alarm occurs. Winks when
there is a system trouble.