RadioLink Electronic Ltd
out, please immediately stop running when the alarm starting to ring.
2.20 Gyro Sensitivity
This function is available to set gyro sensitivity and VR mixing ON or
When MIX set OFF, gyro is disabled while when MIX set ON, you can
adjust gyro sensitivity STD or VR. STD is adjusted on screen and VR
is default CH3.
In normal mode (STD), range of sensitivity is 0%-100%.
(1) Enter the menu, use Dec(-) and Inc(+) to select options for gyro
(2) Press the key button “Enter” to enter sub-menu gyro sensitivity.
(3) Press
“Enter” again, the initial value will start flashing, then use
Dec (-) and Inc (+) to change the value.
(4) Press the button key “Enter”, the value stops flashing, the setting is finished now.
(5) "Mode"and "Rate" can also be set by the same step.
(6) Pre
ss button key “Exit” to be back to initial screen.
2.21 Fail Safe”F/S”
This function is set by servo, throttle, CH3, CH4, CH5 and CH6.
ST: Steering(CH1)
TH: Throttle(CH2)
CH3: Channel3(VR)
CH4: Channel4(SWA)
CH5: Channel5(SWB)
CH6: Channel6(SWC)
Servo: -100~+100
Throttle: -100~+100
CH3: -100~+100
CH4: -100~+100
CH5: -100~+100
CH6: -100~+100
Initial value: 0
(1) Enter the menu, use “Dec (-)” and “Inc (+)” to select options to set.
(2) Press the button key “Enter” to enter menu.
(3) Use
“Dec (-)” and “Inc (+)” to select SERVO, then press “Enter”. Now the initial value
of SERVO will start flashing, use handle to change the value.
(4) Press the button key “Enter”, the value stops flashing, now the value of SERVO is set.
(5) THROTTLE is to set by the trigger.
CH3 is to set by VR controller.
CH4 is to set by the button switch.
CH5 is to set by the toggle switch.
CH6 is to set by the toggle switch.
(6) Press “Exit” two times to back to initial screen.