RadioLink Electronic Ltd
1. R8SM Introduction
RadioLink R8SM is a 2.4G 8 channels receiver with weight of 1.5g(0.05oz) and dimension of
”x0.51”), supporting signal output of PPM and SBUS and is compatible with
RadioLink transmitter T8FB/T8S.
2. Binding
Each receiver has an individual ID code and must bind with transmitter before using. When the
binding is done, the ID code will be stored
in the transmitter and there’s no need to rebind. Therefore,
when a new R8SM is purchased, binding needs to be done in order to work with transmitter.
Binding steps
Put the transmitter and the receiver close to each other (about 50 centimeters) and power
both on.
Switch on the transmitter and the RED led on R8SM will start flashing slowly.
There is a black binding button(ID SET) on the side of receiver. Press the button for more
than 1 second and release, the RED led will flash quickly, meaning binding process is ongoing.
When the RED led stops flashing and is always on, binding is complete. If not succeed,
repeat the above steps.
3. Working Modes
Two signal working modes
Blue/purple LED, S-BUS signal, 8 channels totally.
Red LED, PPM signal, 8 channels totally
S-BUS and PPM signal change
Quick press the ID SET switch twice within 1 second, the signal is changed from S-BUS to PPM.
The red LED indicates the PPM and blue/purple indicates S-BUS.