Write down the
BSSID address
and the
MAC address
under TCP/IP Configuration on a sheet of paper.
These will both need to be input into the Secondary Router's WDS settings.
Next select "TCP/IP Settings" > "LAN Interface".
If the Primary router of the bridge is connected directly to the modem and if the modem is not a dual Modem/Router, do
not make any changes here. "DHCP" should be on "Server" and the "IP Address" will stay the same.
If the Primary router of the bridge is not connected directly to the modem (for example, if you have the bridge plugged
into another router), change the IP Address to "".
"DHCP" needs to be changed to "Disabled"
"Apply Changes" > "Reboot Now"
Unplug the Primary router from the power now. Remove the Ethernet cable from the Primary router and connect it to the
Secondary Router's LAN port. Power up the Secondary Router and type in the IP address of