4. Measurement Modes and Ranges
This infrared thermometer has two measurement modes:
Body (temporal/forehead):
Accurately measures the skin surface
temperature of a human forehead to determine body temperature.
Surface (object):
Measures the surface temperature of objects,
liquids, and ambient room temperature.
A person’s body temperature varies by the area of the body from
which the temperature is taken.
The chart below lists normal
temperature ranges for common methods of measurement.
This information is provided as a reference only. For medical advice,
contact a healthcare professional.
Normal Temperatures by Measurement Method
Normal Temp. (°F)
Normal Temp. (°C)
Forehead (Temporal)
96.4 to 100.4
35.8 to 38
Armpit (Axillary)
97.8 to 99.5
36.5 to 37.5
Ear (Tympanic)
96.4 to 100.4
35.8 to 38
Mouth (Oral)
95.9 to 99.5
35.5 to 37.5
97.9 to 100.4
36.6 to 38
The temperature of the human body varies throughout the day. Body
temperature may also be affected by age, sex, skin tone, and skin thickness.
Normal Temporal Temperatures by Age Range
Age Range (Years)
Normal Temp. (°F)
Normal Temp. (°C)
0 to 2
97.5 to 100.4
36.4 to 38.0
3 to 10
97.0 to 100.0
36.1 to 37.8
11 to 65
96.6 to 99.7
35.9 to 37.6
65 and older
96.4 to 99.5
35.8 to 37.5