Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
2. Assembly
Regulations regulating this field in the country of installation apply during the installation of
the device.
Etaž C20/C25.1
may be mounted on the closed central heating systems where the working
temperature is 90°C and the working pressure is up to 3 bar.
It should be connected to the chimney with internal pipe diameter of 180 mm or in case
when the height exceeds 8m - the diameter of the pipe should be 160mm. Subpressure in
the chimney has to be ensured during work in the range of 18 to 20 Pa.
Flue pipes have to have the diameter of 150mm and have to be made of steel or fire-proof
stainless steel. The horizontal part has the maximal length of 1m and has to be mounted
in slightly upward direction with 5 percent slope. Maximal number of bends is 2. All
connection points in the flue pipe have to be firm and hermetically sealed.
The device is primarily installed in the kitchen with good venting capacity.
Installation in the bedroom or any other room connected to the bedroom is strictly
A constant flow of fresh air has to be ensured in the room in which the stove is installed,
whereas in the event that another oxygen consuming device is installed in the same room
or a device that creates subpressure, e.g. an aspirator, a special pipe has to be installed
which would bring fresh air from the outside to the
Etaž C20/C25.1.
The stove should be installed in a room where there is no danger of explosion and fire.
Etaž C20/C25.1
should be installed so that there is unhindered access to the flue pipes
and flue connections (for cleaning purposes), but also to the work and safety
reinforcements on the back side (for maintenance purposes).
During installation, special attention should be paid to a safe distance between the stove
and flammable materials, but also to the spare required for maintenance purposes. On the
front side, this distance is 800mm, on the side of the oven, i.e. flue connection it is
150mm, on the back side 200mm and on the side where the boiler is located, enough
space should be left for adequate access to the hydraulic reinforcements, i.e. 400mm.
Flammable materials include wood, chipboard, cork, etc. In case of even more flammable
materials, such as PVC, polyurethane, wooden threads, etc. the specified distances have
to be doubled.
If the device is mounted on a surface made of very flammable materials, a layer of
insulation has to be placed over such flammable materials. The dimension of the
insulation may be calculated by adding 800mm on the front side and at least 150mm on
other sides of the stove.