Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: [email protected]
11. Manufacturer
Živojina Lazića Solunca br.6
36000 Kraljevo, Srbija
12. Warranty
Radijator Inzenjering covers different warranty periods for different parts (as specified further
on) only if the following warranty conditions are fulfilled:
Boiler must be connected as per the stated hydraulic schemes from the instruction manual,
especially pay attention to safety valves, thermal safety valve, range of working pressure of
boiler, range of working temperature of boiler, conditions in the boiler room, etc. (
see item 6
Boiler must be connected to the chimney of prescribed cross-section, characteristics of insulation
and height.
Flue gas outlet from boiler to the chimney must be constructed according to the instruction
Stated electrical connections on the boiler must be done as per the technical instructions, this
particularly referring to characteristics of the room thermostat, characteristics of power supply
which must be within certain limits.
The user must adhere to the stated instructions on use and maintenance.
Warranty statement
We, hereby, declare:
That the product has the prescribed and declared quality properties.
We undertake, at the
request of the buyer, if the request for repair is submitted in due time within the warranty
period, to perform, at our expense, all repairs of failures so that the product may work in
accordance with the declared properties.
That the product will work impeccably during the warranty period, if the instructions for
use, operation and assembly are observed
That in the warranty period, we will be ready to remove all product failures and keep in
stock all the necessary spare parts
Warranty period starts from the DATE OF PURCHASE AND LASTS FOR 60 or 72
MONTHS, from the date of production (the date of production is located on the sticker on
the back of the boiler);