Deleting Units from the Area Monitor Server Software Permenently
In order to permanently delete any old area monitors in the Area Monitor Server window, you will need to de-
lete the configuration files created by the software on your computer. To do this, go to the Help menu and click
About. The about screen will contain the location of the folder on your computer where all of the configuration
files are stored. Click on the address located at the bottom of the about screen titled “User Data Location”. This
will open the folder and you will see the various folders created by the Area Monitor Server software for each
monitor on your network.
Delete any of the folders you want to permanently remove from the area monitor list, along with the GuiState
file. Empty the recycle bin and restart the Area Monitor Server software.
Acknowledging Alarms and Warnings
In the event that an area monitor alarm or warning, the corresponding row in the main screen will show the
state of the event in the status column. When the status of an alarm becomes active, the user can acknowl-
edge the alarm by clicking the Acknowledge button to the right of the alarm status.
Once you have Acknowledged an alarm from the Area Monitor Server Software screen, the area monitor horn
will stop at the unit location and the button state will change to Acknowledged in the software. If the rate
drops below the alarm level, then the alarm will reset and the strobe will stop. This means that if the alarm is
triggered and acknowledged and the alarm goes off again, the rate has dipped below the alarm threshold and
has risen above the alarm level again. In other words, the rate is hovering around the set alarm level.
The Status has five different states; OK, Monitor Failure Detected, Radiation Warning, Critical Radiation Alert,
and Lost Communication.
Monitor Failure Detected
In the event that the area monitor reaches the threshold set for the monitor failure, the Monitor Failure Alarm
will appear in the status column of the software.
Radiation Warning prior to Acknowledge button click
Radiation Warning after Acknowledge button click