Radial Engineering Ltd.
Q 500 Module
True to the Music
Using The Low-pass Filter
For even more fun, you can bring in the low-pass fi lter. This is basically a fi lter that removes
high frequencies from the phase shift circuit. It is set with two ranges so that you will be able
to apply a slight, yet well controlled roll off in the upper registers or apply brute force to the
mids and low end. In either case, the intent is to focus the phase effect while leaving the
highs alone. The controls let you decide where the effect will occur.
Filter Range
300Hz - 3.8kHz.
Extreme fi ltering
Filter Range
3kHz - 38kHz.
Subtle fi ltering
When using the phase, set it fully clock-wise to 5 o’clock and then slowly dial it in backwards.
As you move the control counter-clockwise, you will attenuate the high frequencies which
means that the direct (un-phased) signal will no longer be competing with the out-of-phase
signal. This can be particularly advantageous with acoustic instruments that are more phase
sensitive in the upper registers. Once again there are no rules, only choices.
Thank you for taking the time to read throught this manual. The suggested uses and
applications outlined are simply an introduction to the capabilities of the PhazeQ 500 module.