Radial Engineering Ltd.
Bassbone OD™
True to the Music
Over the past 20 years, Radial has been investigating the effects of varying
the impedance when applied to different pickup types. For instance, we
discovered that traditional magnetic pickups as found on a Fender Jazz
bass tend to sound warmer with an input impedance around 220k Ohms
while the input impedance has very little effect on active basses as they
are already buffered inside the bass. Piezos on the other hand sound best
when presented with a super high input impedance. To address these
variables, the Bassbone OD is equipped with some unique functions that
can be activated depending on your setup.
is equipped with a recessed function switch labeled PZB for
piezo transducers. In the outward position, INPUT-A is a standard
instrument input suited for basses with active and passive pickups. When
the PZB switch is pushed inward, the input impedance rises from 220k
to 10meg Ohms and the signal is boosted by 10dB. This greatly helps
to broaden the frequency response and smooth out the transient peaks
when connecting piezo equipped instruments to the Bassbone OD.
INPUT-B is equipped with a rotary function called Drag control that lets
you fi ne tune the load on passive pickups to optimize their tone. Drag
control simulates the effect of plugging the instrument directly into the
amp without any buffers in between.
Start with the Drag control set to the 12 o’clock position. Turning the Drag
control counter-clockwise lowers the input impedance creating a warmer
tone. Turning it clockwise increases the impedance and brightens the
tone. Set the Drag control to your liking.
12 o’clock