The PRC-41 is a portable transceiver for ground-to-air service, built with modified modules
from the
. It is intended for forward air control.
The radio has 1750 channels in the military 225-400 MHz band, spaced 100kHz.
Output power is approx. 2W ( 3W max). The unit is supplied by 26Vdc, at 2A in receive, or
2.8A in transmit , plus a short (7ms/ 2A ) pulse for the coax T/R switch when changing from
Rx to Tx or back.
Transceiver RT 695 / PRC-41 28 x 10.5 x 35 cm , 10.5 kg
Power Supply PP-3700
28 x 10.5 x 19 cm , 7.5 kg
Battery BB-451/U
28 x 10.5 x 19 cm , 7.5 kg
Transceiver Like the ARC51, The RT695 is a triple superhet with fully crystal controlled
channels. Differences to the ARC51 are: Manual control, no crystal oven, simplified squelch
circuits and only 2W RF output.
Versions: The RT695A has a slightly modified audio circuit to allow voice encryption using
the external crypto unit
Battery The battery has 16 silver/ zinc oxide cells, filled with potassium hydroxide (KOH).
The nominal voltage and capacity is 24V, 25Ah, although it was recommended not to
discharge beyond 20Ah.
With a cycle of 1 minute transmit and 9 minutes receive, the battery will last 12 hours at an
ambient temperature between –20 and +35 deg. C.
The battery can be recharged up to 20 times with 16 x 2.03 = 32.5V, initially current limited
to 2.5A. After 20 recharge cycles, the battery is discarded, and the silver is recycled if
AC Power Supply The PP-3700 is a transformer-ballast type power supply with 26.5V
output at maximal 4.5A, in the same case as the battery.
The PP-3700 is not physical nor electrical suitable to recharge the battery.