Subject to technical change without notice
Subject to technical change without notice
This is only possible if no line has
been selected for editing.
This is done by pressing the left/right arrow
keys. This causes a flashing underline to
appear at the active position in the line
indicated by the marker arrow. In this
mode, it is not possible to change screens
with the <*> key.
When <ENTER> is pressed, the underline
disappears again, and it is possible to move
between the four screens with the <*> key.
Seed type name
To name a new seed type or to rename an
existing type, move the marker arrow to the
corresponding line and select the desired
position with the left/right arrow keys.
A name can be entered from the numerical
keypad in the same way as when using
a mobile phone. Move between upper
and lower case using the <*> key. Press
<Enter> when the entry is complete.
Normal or small seed type
It must now be determined whether this is a
normal or a small seed type.
This is important as the corresponding
standard values are now assigned to the
new seed type.
To do this, place the marker arrow on the
line below the new seed type, and use
the left/right arrow keys to select either
three times after completing
the entry to return to the parameter menu.
4.1.4 Seed type selection
a) Determine and enter the seed type
Standard values for TGW and kg per
metering wheel revolution have been
assigned to the standard seed types in the
seed library. Assigning is carried out in the
seed library by the selection of small seed
or normal seed type. These values enable
problem-free calibration and sowing with the
the value for kg per metering
wheel revolution is effective for calibration.
The more exact the value for a given seed
type, the more exact will the calibration be.
The numerical value is best determined as
Set the mechanical parameters on the
metering device as per the instructions for
use (metering wheel, select bottom flap
setting). Load with seed. Raise the machine,
and switch on the electronics. Open the
calibration flap and place a container
beneath it. Fill the metering wheels by