RabbitCore RCM2100
2.1.1 Attach Module to Prototyping Board
Turn the RCM2100 module so that the Ethernet connector is on the left, as shown in Figure 1
below. Align the module headers J1 and J2 on the bottom side of the RCM2100 into header
sockets J1 and J3 on the Prototyping Board.
Figure 1. Installing the RCM2100 Module on the Prototyping Board.
Note the orientation of the module.
It is important that you line up the RCM2100 pins on headers J1 and J2 exactly
with the corresponding pins of header sockets J1 and J3 on the Prototyping Board. The
header pins may become bent or damaged if the pin alignment is offset, and the module
will not work.
Press the module’s pins firmly into the Prototyping Board header sockets. The installed
module is shown in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. RCM2100 Installed and Seated on the Prototyping Board