BL4S200 User’s Manual
A/D converter ....................... 40
buffered inputs .................. 40
calibration ......................... 42
calibration constants ......... 41
current-measurement setup 41
function calls
anaIn() ......................... 114
anaInCalib() ................ 112
anaInConfig() .............. 110
anaInDiff() .................. 118
anaInDriver() ............... 121
anaInmAmps() ............ 120
anaInVolts() ................ 116
analog I/O
reference voltage circuit .... 45
reference voltages ............. 45
A/D converter
D/A convert-
extension ........................... 13
battery backup
battery life ....................... 179
use of battery-backed SRAM
battery connections ............. 179
board initialization
function calls ..................... 68
brdInit() ......................... 68
CE compliance ...................... 11
design guidelines ............... 12
certifications ......................... 13
Europe ............................... 15
FCC ................................... 13
Industry Canada ................ 14
labeling requirements ........ 14
clock doubler ........................ 47
configurable I/O
capture setup ..................... 32
counter setup ..................... 32
function calls
getBegin() ..................... 32
getEnd() ......................... 32
resetCounter() ............... 32
setCapture() ................... 32
setCounter() ................... 32
setExtInterrupt() ............ 32
setPPM() ....................... 33
setPWM() ...................... 33
interrupts setup .................. 32
pin associations ............... 187
PWM/PPM setup .............. 33
4–20 mA current ........... 41
configurable I/O inputs . 28
configurable I/O outputs 29
high-current outputs ...... 34
RS-485 termination and bias
resistors ...................... 37
ordinator) .................... 205
conformal coating ............... 174
Ethernet cable ................. 133
connectivity tools
Connectivity Kit .................. 9
crimp tool ............................ 9
Micro-Fit® connector parts ..
D/A converter ....................... 43
calibration ......................... 44
calibration constants ......... 44
function calls
anaOut() ...................... 127
anaOutCalib() .............. 126
anaOutConfig .............. 123
anaOutDriver() ............ 130
anaOutmAmps() .......... 129
anaOutPwrOff() .......... 125
anaOutStrobe() ............ 124
anaOutVolts() .............. 128
Demonstration Board ...... 8, 182
configuration options ...... 184
LED outputs ................ 185
output voltage .............. 185
pushbutton switches .... 184
hookup instructions ......... 183
maximum power-supply volt-
age .............................. 183
pinout .............................. 184
power supply connections 183
wire assembly ..................... 8
Digi® XBee USB (ZigBee coor-
configuration ................... 205
uploading new firmware . 208
digital I/O
function calls
digIn() ........................... 69
digInBank() ................... 70
digOut() ......................... 82
digOutBank() ................ 83
getBegin() ..................... 77
getCounter() .................. 77
getEnd() ......................... 78
globalSync() .................. 81
pulseDisable() ............... 91
pulseEnable() ................ 91
resetCounter() ............... 78
setCapture() ................... 75
setCounter() ................... 73
setDecoder() .................. 72
setDigIn() ...................... 69
setDigOut() ................... 81
setDuty() ....................... 89
setExtInterrupt() ............ 71
setFreq() ........................ 88
setLimit() ....................... 79
setOffset() ..................... 90
setPPM() ....................... 86
setPWM() ...................... 84
setSync() ....................... 80
digital inputs