Data redazione: 25/07/03
R.V.R. Elettronica S.r.l. (BO)
VJ30000-TE - R.F. Tube Amplifier
To mount this pipe is advisable to remove the micro switches before by the relative screws.
The screws that must be used to fix this pipe are just mounted in the relative holes placed on
the top of the cavity.
Now, you can connect the wires relative to the power supply of the blower’s motor, with the
same sequence marked bothon the wires and on the motor’s poles (ABB).
In this moment you are ready to connect the mains voltage wires to the equipment.
To realize this operation you must connect the three phases to the fuses opening the relative
fuses socket placed on the rear part of power supply rack and by a slot screwdriver you must
turn the screw placed on his bottom part.
Now, you can remove the poles protection discovering the screws and by a socket wrench
N°13 you can connect the mains voltage wires by the apposite wire terminals that is
supplied to you inside of the spares box, while the neutral and ground wire must be
connected to the poles placed near to fuses box marked rispectively with blu and yellow-
green colors.
It’s very important to check that when you switch on the equipment the fblower motor is on,
otherwise you must check the exact positions of the phases wires so that the overload cutout
can allow to start the equipment.
Another confirmation of this you can have from the led of the three-phases controller that
normaly is of green color, naturally with the automatic switch placed in the front panel in
the position ON.
Remember to connect the RF connector on the 1/2" Celflex cable to the 7/16" connector
placed on the input cavity under the input air cavity pipe.
To complete the assembling of the equipment it’s necessary to mount output air chimney
with the BNC connector forward the rear part because to this connector must be connected
the BNC mounted on the RG58 cable of the output air temperature probe.
Then, to complete the mounting of the chimney fix the screws on his top
When you complete this operation and re-check all wires and cables, you can continue with
the other operations.
The transmitter connection to the mians voltage is placed in the rear part of the rack
The wires of mains voltage must be connected in this way: the three phases must be fixed to
three anchorages present on the high power fuses socket.
When is connected to electrics line is necessary do attention. The amplifier can expose the
operator to current and voltage dangerous.
After the connection to the electric line it is necessary make a control.
After the connection to the electric line is necessary make a control. Looking the apparatus
in the rear of the power rack ( 50cm height ), is possible to see leds power reveling the
correct operation. If led's is not turned on is present possibles anomalies
Wrong position of phases or absence current. Then immediately lift for some instants the
general interrupter on the frontal panel. If the overload cutout doesn’t remain active, to be
sure that the mains voltage is correct or that the blower isn’t blocked.
When finish these operations the connection to the electric line is completed.
The neutral and the ground must be connected to the wires connections placed near to fuses
socket. Connect the mains voltage cables in according to DELTA or STAR installation.