R.L.DRAKE TR-5 User Manual Download Page 2

TR-5 transceiver

Side 2 av 2



Height: 4.6 in. (11.7 cm) excluding feet. Weight: 14 lb. (6.35 kg)


Power Input (Nominal): 150 Watts, PEP or CW
Load Impedance: 50 ohms.
Spurious and Greater than 40 dB
Harmonic Output: down.
Intermodulation Greater than 30 dB
Distortion: below PEP.
Carrier Suppression: Greater than 50 dB.
Undesired Sideband Greater than 60 dB at
Suppression: 1 kHz.
Duty Cycle: SSB, CW: Key Down ( w/o FA7 Fan): 100% 30%, 5 minutes maximum transmit
Key down (w/FA7 Fan): 100%
Microphone Input: High Impedance
CW Keying: Instantaneous full break-in,adjustable delay.


Sensitivity: Less than 0.5 uV for 10 dB S+N/N except less than 1.0 u V 1.8-2.0 MHz.
Selectivity: 2.3 kHz minimum at –6 dB. 4.1 kHz maximum at –60 dB. (1.8:1 shape factor)
Ultimate Selectivity: Greater than 95 dB.
AGC : Less than 5 dB output variation for 100 dB input signal change, referenced to AGC 
Intermodulation: (20 kHz or greater spacing)
Intercept Point: Greater than 0 dBm.
Two-Tone DynamicnRange: Greater than 85 dB.
IF Frequency: 5.645 MHz
IF Rejection: 50 dB, minimum.
 Image Rejection: 60 dB, minimum below 14 MHz. 50 dB, minimum above 14 MHz.
Audio Output: 2 watts, minimum @ less than 10% THD (4 ohm load).
Spurious Response: Greater than 60 dB down.



MMK-7 Model 1335 Mobile Mounting Kit
MS-7 External Speacker, Model 1531
RV-75 Remote VFO for TR-5/TR-7: Synthesized Remote VFO’s permit rcvg, xmtg or xcvg on 
separate frequency in same band as xcvr
PS-75 Power Supply, Model 1545 
MN-75 antenna matching network, Model 1540
NB-5 Noise Blanker, Model 1558
FA-7 Cooling fan, Model 1529
Desk Microphone, Model 7077 ( Astatic )
SP-75 Speech Processor, Model 1553
CW-75 Electronic Keyer, Model 1507
P-75 Phone Patch, Model 1520

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Last Update : 24 November 1998.
